Engineering and Structural Adhesives
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مهندسی وساختار چسب
Engineering and Structural Adhesives:
مهندسی وساختار چسب
Engineering and Structural Adhesives
Review Report 169 (Rapra Review Reports) (Vol 15,No.1): D., J. Dunn Smithers Rapra Technology ISBN: 185957436X February 10, 2004 PDF (OCR) 148 pages 2556 KB
This review discusses the types of engineering adhesives in use, properties, advantages and disadvantages, and applications. It is very clearly written, well referenced and provides an excellent overview of a rapidly developing field. The author is an expert with many years of experience in adhesive research and development. The review is accompanied by around 400 abstracts from papers and books in the Polymer Library, to facilitate further reading on this subject.
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