خواص مکانیکی پلیمرهای بر پایه نانوساختار و مورفولوژی آنها
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خواص مکانیکی پلیمرهای بر پایه نانوساختار و مورفولوژی آنها

خواص مکانیکی پلیمرهای بر پایه نانوساختار و مورفولوژی آنها
Mechanical Properties of Polymers based on Nanostructure and Morphology
CRC Press 2005 English Pages: 784 PDF 15.4 MB RS, Uploading
This book focuses on effective ways to combine improved mechanical and physical properties in polymers in order to form new, performance-enhanced composite materials. It presents recent research and results not available elsewhere by scientists at the vanguard of their specialties. Reflecting the continuing study of mechanisms elucidating the structure-function relationship of nanostructured polymers and nanocomposites, topics include nanoparticle-filled thermoplastic polymers, applications of carbon nanotube and nanofiber reinforced polymer systems, alternative methods of polymer modification based on micro- and nanolayered polymers, and hot compaction of oriented fibers and tapes.The improvement of strength and durability in polymers has implications relevant to industrial, medical, and household applications. Enhanced by the improved knowledge of the interactions between complex hierarchical structures and functional requirements, Mechanical Properties of Polymers Based on Nanostructure and Morphology focuses on new polymer materials that possess a combination of improved mechanical and other physical properties.This book specifies techniques used in structural and morphological characterization, discusses crazing and molecular variables of fracture behavior, and clarifies various modes of deformation mechanisms and orientation processes for semicrystalline polymers, block copolymers, and composites. The volume examines microindentation hardness studies and mechanisms of toughness enhancement for particle modified, amorphous and semicrystalline polymers and blends using model analysis. Experts in the field present innovations that illustrate new aspects of manufacturing, structure development, and properties of practical relevance in nanoparticle-filled thermoplastic polymers and the applications of carbon nanotube and nanofiber reinforced polymer systems. Other topics discussed in the book include alternative methods of polymer modification based on micro- and nanolayered polymers and hot compaction of oriented fibers and tapes.This book reflects the continuing research of mechanisms contributing to the structure-function relationship of nanostructured polymers and nanocomposites. Mechanical Properties of Polymers Based on Nanostructure and Morphology presents effective ways to combine improved mechanical and physical properties in polymers and form new, performance-enhanced composite materials.# Compiles the works of leading laboratories represented by over 1100 references and numerous drawings, micrographs, tables, and equations# Offers the most current perspective recent research and results not available elsewhere by scientists at the vanguard of their specialties# Presents self-contained, basics-to-applications chapters that can be read as reviews of progress in different areas# Explores the concurrent improvement of mechanical properties, such as strength and toughness, and physical properties, such as heat resistance and conductivity# Offers a list of scientific publications that reflect the foundation of this diverse discipline for more focused studies
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