طراحی تولید و قالبگیری پلیمریهای مرحله ای
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طراحی تولید و قالبگیری پلیمریهای مرحله ای

طراحی تولید و قالبگیری پلیمریهای مرحله ای
Step-Growth Polymerization Process Modeling and Product Design
Kevin Seavey, Y. A. Liu "Step-Growth Polymerization Process Modeling and Product Design"
Wiley-Interscience 2008-08-11 ISBN: 0470238232 712 pages PDF 12,2 MB
Understand quantitative model step-growth polymerization plans and how to predict properties of the product polymer with the essential information in Step-Growth Polymerization Process Modeling and Product Design. If you want to learn how to simulate step-growth polymerization processes using commercial software and seek an in-depth, quantitative understanding of how to develop, use, and deploy these simulations, consult this must-have guide. The book focuses on quantitative relationships between key process input variables (KPIVs) and key process output variables (KPOVs), and the integrated modeling of an entire polymer manufacturing train.
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