کامپاندینگ تایر
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Tyre Compounding for Improved Performance
Tyre Compounding for Improved Performance (Rapra Review Reports)
Publisher: Smithers Rapra Technology | ISBN: 1859573061 | edition 2001 | PDF | 140 pages | 1,32 mb
Compounders like to think that the creation of rubber formulations is somewhat akin to the art of cooking. Using selected ingredients they carefully blend and cook them in such a way as to produce the desired effects. Science can explain most if not all of the chemistry and mathematical modelling is now going a long way towards predicting performance from material properties. In the end, however, the skill and experience of the raw material supplier and the tyre
compounder is the only sure way to push back the frontiers of tyre performance. Novel and exciting materials appear at frequent intervals offering new opportunities to the compounder and continually raising.
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